Couples Retreat / Weekend-retreat for par

Couples Retreat - The Tribal Vibe for Lovers

Join us for an Enriching Couples Retreat! 🌟

Are you prepared to elevate your relationship to new heights? Immerse yourselves in the realms of connection, intimacy, and personal growth with our all-encompassing Couples Retreat. Whether you’re a tribal couple, on the verge of marriage, newly acquainted, or simply looking to rekindle the spark, this retreat is tailored to meet your needs.

Here’s what you can anticipate during the workshop:

🌿 Engage in profound sharing sessions that foster understanding and closeness.

🌿 Explore the six fundamental practices that enrich authenticity, intimacy, communication, and conflict resolution, laying the foundation for deeper connection.

🌿 Dive into the art of touch and indulge in heartwarming connection experiences, unlocking the magic of physical intimacy.

🌿 Set powerful intentions for your relationship and circumstances, guided by secure relational spaces and agreements. This is your initial step on a transformative Couples training journey.

Emotions Take Center Stage:

Nurture an extensive emotional vocabulary, embracing the depths of your feelings. Learn to recognize, experience, express, receive, and respond to your partner’s emotions, fostering profound emotional intimacy—a dance of closeness.

🌸 Authenticity and Vulnerability: Empower yourselves to be genuine, vulnerable, and open. Embark on a journey of personal and interpersonal development, arming you with valuable tools and techniques to navigate challenges and amplify joy in your relationship. Heal the past, celebrate the present, and construct a future filled with intimacy and nurturing.

Who Will Benefit from This Retreat?

🌟 Newly formed couples seeking a robust foundation.

🌟 Established couples yearning for rekindled passion and connection.

🌟 TTV Couples looking to deepen their connection within and outside The Tribal Vibe events.

🌟 Couples on the brink of marriage.

🌟 Individuals and close friends teaming up to develop their relationship skills and gain knowledge.

What Awaits You?

Participate in heart-centered practices either individually or as a pair. Learn conflict resolution techniques and a structured framework for healthy dialogue. Explore the balance between darkness and light energy while celebrating the positive aspects of your relationship. Heal and rejoice together, leaving with valuable takeaways, experiences, and insights.

💚 Ongoing Support:

Our journey doesn’t conclude here. Continue your growth with clan meetings and online reflections post-retreat Set intentions, commit to positive changes, and embrace the transformative potential of relationships. This is retreat can be taken separately and is also part of our couples training: The Tribal Vibe for Lovers 1 & 2.

Your lead facilitator is Signe V. Bentzen (Denmark):

Signe V. Bentzen, MA

Alongside her daily work as a couples therapist, sexologist and body therapistin Copenhagen, Signe facilitates workshops exploring: relational authenticity & self leadership; consent, body awareness & healthy boundaries; mind-bodyfulness &meditation and the many facets of tantra and tantric living.

In her work, Signe supports people in rediscovering their innate ability to enjoy life through deep connection with themselves and in their relations with others.

Full and deep presence in the present moment with the heart-opening acceptance of ALL our emotions and all your sensoric sensations is the golden key to inner connectedness and peace of mind. Acceptence, connection and love are the supreme unifying forces in our relationship with others.

Her great passion is to find gateways to travel deeper into the open heart space through the body, where we meet the essence of ourselves, and into the relationship with each other, whether it happens in quiet, expanded consciousness or in sensual, explosive ecstasy.

Signe is the founder of The Tribal Vibe

💞 Remember:

Relationships Matter. Join us on this enchanting retreat to awaken the love, joy, and healing within your partnership. Transform your life by nurturing your relationships.

Save the Date:    October 11th – 13th, 2024 

Location:                        Fyrregaarden, Matolievej 14, 4573 Højby, Denmark

Limited spots available!

For inquiries and bookings: and/or visit


The prices are per participant and varies depending on the accommodation of your choice.

All workshops during as well as the online support and clan meetings after the retreat

+ the delicious, vegetarian meals + tea/coffee and mouth-watering cakes, made by our chéf are included in the prices written below.

Wood Cabin: 5600 DKK per person

Lovers’ Nest: 5400 DKK per person

Couples’ room – double bed: 5300  DKK per person

Couples’ room – single beds: 5200 DKK per person

Couples’ room – bunk beds: 5100 DKK per person

Quadruple Room – bunk beds: 4900 DKK per person

Quadruple Room – double bed: 5000 DKK per person

Add-on buys: Sauna / Spa 150 DKK


#CouplesRetreat #TransformYourRelationship #IntimacyAndConnection #RelationshipGrowth #Thetribalviberelationship #TheTribalVibe #TheTribalVibeEvent #TTVevent #Tantra #Authenticrelating #Intimacyforlovers #WheelofConsent #WOC #TTVforlovers1

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