Urban Love Retreat for Couples 26 – 28 November 2021

Kære Par.
Denne tantrisk inspirerede workshop “Urban Love Retreat for Lovers” er måske noget for dig og en partner. Vi skaber denne weekend om tantra for par fordi vi oplever, at der mangler bindeled mellem, og steder, hvor man kan øve sig i at forbinde kærligheden, kommunikationen og elskoven.
Vi går langsomt frem. Først beroliger vi nervesystemet og arbejder med at skabe harmoni i egen krop gennem meditation, bevægelse og berøring af partnerens krop.
Vi arbejder dernæst med at se indad og nedad for at få god kontakt med os selv for at kunne kommunikere klart fra krop, hjerte og sind med vores partner. Og endelig faciliterer vi en vej ind ind i den dybe og langsomme elskov – det er tantra for par.
Dear Couple
We invite you and a partner to a safe & exciting weekend of exploration of the world of intimacy, love and Neo Tantra. The intention for this weekend is to become deeply immersed in heart, soul and body by connecting and touching each other on multiple levels and various ways.
We will work with different approaches, presenting som of our most best tools for creating and maximizing relaxation and attraction between you and your partner. We begin slowly by creating trust and safety through various exercises from Wheel of Consent and dive into what pleasure is to you.
We will investigate how, when and why you touch your partner along with different tantric styles of touch and other massage techniques for all genders as well as touch specifically for the female and male body.
The weekend will be a mix between lectures, somatic explorations and verbal inquires between couples, and there will also be sharing to maximize the knowledge in the group.
The culmination of the weekend will be the creation of a tantric love making ritual for you and your partner. We hope to see you for a fun, steamy, vulnerable weekend of Love
Dennis Lundtoft Thomsen & Signe Vandrup Bentzen
Friday 26 november 18.30 – 21.30
Saturday 27 november Kl 10 – 19
Sunday 28.11. Kl 10 – 16
Price Per person 2400krBuy your ticket here:
Venue: Virkelig, Tagensvej 85c,
2200 København N, Danmark
For more info:
Dennis: https://fb.me/dennisth
+45 28724480 Signe: https://fb.me/signe.v.bentzen
+45 23826115e-mail: kontakt@sexologsigne.dk
#tantra #better sex #all genders #LBGTQ #meditationsforlovers #mindfulness #tantriclovers